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Selma, February 3d 1866
Col.  Cadle,

Dear Sir Will you have the goodness to present the enclosed application to Gen. Swayne for his endorsement. I hope it may be favorable unless there is some insuperable barrier to such an appointment. 
By late night work, I have succeeded in preparing the returns at the present date. There could not be a more unfortunate time for me to be left shorthanded. My office is crowded from morning till night, and there is no one but myself to do all the business, excepting one clerk, who is entirely unversed in such matters, and can attend only to the simplest clerical duties being but an indifferent penman. I hope now that the General will not see fit to throw me over until I shall have enjoyed a little respite in my present position.
Very respectfully yours,
Sam'l S. Gardner
P.S. Transportation blanks received