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Bureau Refugees Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Selma Aug 15th 1866

Bvt Col. C. Cadle, Jr.
A.A.G. &c

Colonel: I would respectfully state for your consideration the circumstances that have transpired lately with regard to the Poole estate, one of those cases in which an order was issued from this office suspending legal execution, until the freedmen had realized their wages from the crop. There are several executions out against the property, and some party, fearing probably that some other one would get in ahead of him, had let the sheriff loose upon it. Mr. Lapsley, a lawyer here says that he knows no hindrance in the laws of the state to prevent the entire crop and property from being sold, without a cent's worth of security for the Freedmen.  I would respectfully ask if its possible to procure an injunction from the U.S. Court, in order to secure the rights of the Freedmen, or failing that, if the order issued from this office shall be enforced by the military.
Please answer promptly,
Very Respectfully
Your obt Servt.
Sam S Gardner

Transcription Notes:
edited: its Selma not Selena,