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Blountsville, Ala. August 16, 1866

To His Excellency
R. M. Patton, Governor of Ala;
Your Excellency

We believe it to be our duty to you as the Chief Executive of the State as well to those among whom we live, to make to you the following statements. In the South Eastern portion of this (Blount) County, adjoining the County of St. Clair, reside certain parties who have banded together to resist the civil officers of the county in the execution of their duties. These parties constitute the major part of the population of that section. Similar organizations, we understand, exist in the County of St, Clair, and that the organizations give to each other mutual aid and protection. There are also many others in this County, scattered in various places, who affiliate with them, giving them "aid and comfort"
They refuse to give in their tax lists to the Tax assessor, or to allow him to go into their settlement. They have forewarned the Tax collector not to show himself in that region; and have boldly avowed that they would pay no tax to the "rebel state", as they call the State of Alabama.
They have notified the Sheriff not to go among them to execute any process - and if he did go not to take any possee with him, or they would be "bushwhacked".
Some time ago, they arrested the Sheriff of this County, which traveling along the road, near their borders - carried him into the woods, where several armed men were - but after severely threatening and changing him, they let him depart in safety.

Transcription Notes:
edited: no longer noting underlines, read current instructions, per Si ignore indents, its St. Clair not St. Blair, changes and corrections