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contrary will sustain them in their lawless violence, and rebellion against civil authority.
And we fully believe that if their minds were disabused on this point, by a possee of federal soldiers being sent here, for a time, to aid the civil officers in the execution of their duties, that these men would offer no further resistance to the officers, or to the law. 
Our object, therefore, in making these statements to your Excellency, is, to obtain through you such a possee to be sent to this County, for a limited time, for the objects specified. - Or at least to ascertain from you if you can arrange with the Federal commanders, (if compatible with their duties,) to send such a possee on appreciation of the Sheriff of this County. - If this cannot be done, we are of opinion that au order published by the Military Commander of the State, and addressed to such parties as we are complaining of, requiring them to be obedient to the civil law, under a threat of military coercion if they still resist, would have a very salutary effect. We cordially submit the whole matter to your Excellency's better informed judgement, but will be much pleases to have an early reply from you on the subject.
We remain Your Excellency's
Most Obedient Servants.
Signed) A. M. Gibson
J. M. Moore 

Transcription Notes:
edited: per SI ignore indents,