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have an account of the Montgomery & Selma stores - 

[[6 columned table]]
| Destination | Corn Sacks | Corn Pounds | Corn Bushels | Bacon Casks | Bacon Pounds |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Tuscumbia | 1300 | 163.135 | 2913 7/56 | 6 | 5.316 |
| Decatur | 3460 | 438.910 | 7837 38/56 | 17 | 15.313 |
| Huntsville | 1640 | 196.315 | 3505 35/56 | 8 | 7.609 |
| Eufaula | 1380 | 172.557 | 3081 21/56 | 7 | 6.669 |
| Total | 7780 | 970.917 | 17.337 45/56 | 38 | 34.907 |

I will remain here a few days and wait for claims against the Bureau.

The above stores were all carefully invoiced to-day. I will let you know if anything of importance occurs  Telegraph me here until Saturday -

Yours Respectfully
W A Elderkin