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Roanoke Ala Mar 7th 1866

Bv't Maj Gen'l Swayne
Montgomery Ala.

During the late rebellion I was forced to abandon my home & sacrificed my property on account of my devotion: to the Government of the US. On reaching the lines, I joined the 1st Ala Cav, USV was appointed Ass't Surgeon of the Reg't continued in service up to the general surrender was mustered out of service on the 20th Oct. 1865 Returned home a quiet citizen used my best efforts to restore peace & good will between those who had heretofore differed in politics & for a time I had hopes of success, say up to the commencement of the reconstruction policy, since which time I have well nigh lost hopes As an evidence of the wide spread disaffection among the late reconstructed rebels (so called) I will give you a brief statement of the their conduct. At an Election held at my town on the 5th Inst One Rob't Richards, son of Judge E G Richards of La Fayette Ala, at the head of a party of late Rebels came to my town on the day of said Election gathered about the ballot box, and by their abuse of the Government of the US, and threats against Union men succeeded in over awing Union men intimidating them to an extent to prevent their votes