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Mulbery. P.O. Sept 19th 1866

Genl Swaine
Dear Sir
I wright you this Letter for the Express purpose of Informing you that there are in this End of my country a Large number of freedmen and Some whites that Should receive Some aid from the government in the way of rations or family Supplies. I have many calls from freedmen to aid them in procuring procuring Such Supplies. There are many very many that have Lost a Limb. one I Know of who has both Legs off at the nees. Others that I am acquainted with that are very old. Others that come under my personal Knowledge that are afflicted with disease and are really not able to Labor for a Support. Some of the cases under consideration have Large families of Little children and they are to day Suffering for the necessaries of Life.
I am aware of there being in this county a place where Such Supplies can be obtained  it is So far distant from this portion of the country it is impossible Such to get there and draw rations. from Some of them it is not less than twenty or twenty five miles. at my place I have a good house very Suitable for taking care of Such Supplies. only four miles from the alabama river and near a good Landing where freight would be well cared for. now for the convenience of the destitute and afflicted. if you will give or procure me the agency of distributing rations to such I assure you I will attend to it free of charge. The government paying all the Expenses on all articles to my office. The halling to be done will only be about four miles. Let me hear from you on the subject, and if such a proposition merits your approbation I will call at your office for an interview on that subject.

Very Respectfully yours &c.
C. C. Dickinson
Agt. Fr. Bureau

Mulbery P.O. Autauga Cty Ala

Transcription Notes:
Mulberry, Ala. don't know what the letters are next to "Mulbery". They are "P.O.".