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Elyton Alabama
August 21st 1866

Dear Sir,
Though you are powerless to protect me, yet I think it is proper that you should know what Andrew Johnson's policy has done for Union men here. Within the last few days I have received a message ordering me to leave the country. The order was accompanied by a threat that no damned black republican would be permitted to stay here.
When I received this message I had just put up for the night at a Mr. Jacob's in Walker County and was on my way home from a Union meeting in Winston County to which I had been invited by unconditional Union men of this Congressional District. The object of this convention was to appoint delegates to the Southern Unionist's Convention to be held in Philadelphia on the 5th of next month. Having had the boldness to make a speech approving the action of Congress and condemning "My Policy" I have excited the wrath of the rebels here to such a degree as to cause me to be concerned in regard to my personal safety.
T. Hangley

C. Cadle 
Bvt. Col. U.S.V.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: removed Archive stamp per Si not required to transcribe, corrections