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Office, Act'g Asst. Quartermaster Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Mobile, Ala.,  October 9th 1866.

Col. Edwin Beecher
Chief Disbursing Officer
Montgomery, Ala.

Enclosed I have the honor to return the several accounts you sent to me for collection. I am informed by Captain John C. Grierson A.Q.M. that a Genreal Order. (No 65.) from the Q.M.G.O. dated August 11" 1866, prohibits the payment of all accounts for transportation, or mileage of officers or other persons traveling under orders of the bureau; all accounts for Postage and telegrams on the business of the Bureau; from the appropriations for the Q.M. Dep't said accounts being covered by the appropriation for the Bureau for the fiscal year commencing July 1" 1866., but authorize the payments, from the the appropriation for the Q.M. Do the accounts of all officers of the Army, who are properly assigned to duty in the Bureau for fuel and quarters, when not supplied by their respective Departments.

[[3 Columned Table]]
--- | --- | ---
Maj Kinsman's | a/c for Postage | $52.15
Maj Kinsman's | Telegram a/c | 21.05
Dr Kipp's | Postage a/c | 3.00
Dr Kipp's | Mileage a/c | 12.80
Dr Kipp's | Mileage a/c | 34.20