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Noxubee County, Miss
April 12th 1866

Bvt Maj. Genl Swayne
Commissioner F.B.


I visited Huntsville some ten days since, for the purpose of employing hands to work on my plantation in this County - I only succeeded in getting two, altho- I offered to pay them fifteen dollars per month - I saw many hands in Huntsville, drawing rations from the Commissary Department. Some of the hands were former slaves of my family. I would be willing to give them ten dollars per month and plenty of rations but they refused to hire to me. I know many planters in this County that would work those negroes at like rates.

Now, General, I must respectfully suggest that you issue an order permitting planters to take those negroes that draw rations from the Com. Dept. and work them for their rations - or send a