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Office Bureau of R.F & A.L.
Greenville. Ala.
June 27th. 1866

Major O.B. Kinsman.
A.A.G. Dist of Ala.
Montgomery Ala.
It has been thee custom heretofore for Planters of this County to report to this Office that they have more, or less [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] helpless Freedmen on their plantations, and draw rations for the same. I am convinced that in nearly every instance of this kind the Govt is imposed upon. furthermore it is a great temptation to men that are buying rations in part, drawn gratious for the other part. I understand that the Colony is intended as a home to all helpless freedmen.
Shall I continue to issue to said freedmen. while they remain with planters throughout the county.
I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt

Jas F McGogy.
Agt Bureau of RF & A.L.