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Office Asst Supt
B. R. F. & A L.
Greenville Ala
June 20th 1866

O. D. Kinsman
Major & A A Genl

Enclosed please find a letter that was received on Monday last 18th nst, by Mr Benj Hildreth the Gentleman, that was to open school at this place. on the same day that he received the enclosed letter, but from past experience he had every reason to believe that the threats would be carried into execution, consequently he declined opening the school, but he is anxious to proceed with the school, provided he can have any protection. I have made inquiries in regard to the charges made against Mr H and family, and believe them to be false. I respectfully submit this case to your better judgement to decide what I shall I do. I shall await your instructions. If you will furnish me a few guards I will see that the school will open on Monday next Capt Steinberg rented a House refitted it for the school. After so much trouble and expense to establish a school and we should now be compelled to abandon the enterprise