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Office Bureau R F&A.L
Greenville, Ala.
July 5th 1866

Major. O.D. Kinsman.
A.A.G. Dist of Ola
Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor to request that the Freedmen at the "Colony" at Garland are in great need of clothing, there are several cases of persons just recovering from small pox without a change of underclothes, others who have recovered are still wearing the same clothing as when suffering from that disease, and which endangers the health of the whole "colony" I therefore request that you send me for their use the following articles, viz,
20 Suits of Mens Under & Outside Clothing
25 Suits of Womens Under & Outside Clothing
20 Suits of Childrens Under & Outside Clothing
They are also in need of Blankets, Quilts &c. to add to the comfort of the sick. I have a few Blankets, but no other bedding, if you will send those things to me it will add to the comfort of the 'Colony' but in some cases by the report of Capt. Arthur C. L. are actually necessary. 
I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jas F. McGogy
Agent Bureau R.F.&A.L.