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was punished to the extent of the law, said committee brought me a similar statement from  the Probate Judge and I called in the Guards. You could hardly imagine the excitement that prevailed during the four hours that the Guards were searching for Harris; some would drive thier buggies in and out of town in great haste, other galloping excitedly through the streets, some run themselves out of breath, and finally many collected in groups at different places but displayed no hostilities. The Guards behaved admirable very politely did thier whole duty. I tell you that this was a great day in Greenville, it opened the eyes of many, and convinced them of the fact that the law of the United States did afford protection to the persons, and property of all its citizens.
I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J. F. McGogy

Lieut. J. F. Conyngham
A. A. A. Genl.

[[left margin]] Read Sept 14th 66 [[/left margin]]

[[right margin]] Mc Gogy [[/right margin]]