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Greenville Alabama
26th September 1866

I feel it my duty to report to you the strange proceedings of a number of perhaps (15) fifteen men, who collected together in this Town on the night of the 24th instant, thoroughly armed some with Pistols of various sizes and description some with Gun's and to all appearance they were excited and more or less under the influence of Liquor.  I did not see the persons myself.  But while I was a sleep they were seen stroling around near my Office: I have not herd of them molesting the person or property of any one: But they patrolled the streets which the peacable persons abandoned on their approach.  I have herd from irreliable sources: that they threatened to clear the Yankees out of Town that might as they used no violence their purpose is a mistory to me.  The present number of soldiers and Police of this would not exceed one third in number of said mob.  Consiquently, you see persons and property