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Office B.R.F&A.L.
Greenville Alabama
September 21st 1866

Major O. D. Kinsman
A.A. General

In compliance with your letter of the 14th Inst. I have visited several localities with a view to find a suitable locality on which to establish the Colony or asylum which is now at Garland. I find a suitable place one and a half miles from my Office on high land, in the woods with good water also an abundance of timber, which would enable one to  build any number of comfortable log houses: with only the expense of Laborers: and three men at a salary of $20.00 Twenty dollars per month will build one house a day.  There is several hundred acres of this land the owner Mr. G. Oglesby agrees to lease to the Bureau for the purpose of establishing an asylum and for a period not to exceed two years and