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Morgan County

Be it remembered that at a called term of the Commissioner's Court of Revenue and Roads, begun and held for said county at the Court House of said county, on the 6th day of June, 1866, for the purpose of devising some means for the relief of the destitute of said county, there were present George Charlton, Judge of the Probate Court of said county; William Ryan, Wiley B. Sherrell, Simeon P. Garrison, and Benjamin F. Bean Commissioners.
Whereas, It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, from the best information we have been able to obtain, that there are now in Morgan county four hundred families, containing two thousand persons, who are destitute of the necessary provisions to sustain life until the growing crops shall mature, and considering the inability of said persons to procure the necessary supplies, and the inability of the county to render them assistance, our treasury being empty, with a view of relieving the suffering in our county. It is ordered by the Court, That the Rev. Thomas Morrow be and he is hereby requested to make a tour for the purpose of soliciting contributions for the destitute of said county.
     GEO. P. Charlton, Judge of Probate Court
     W.M. Ryan     |
     W.B. Sherrell |
     S.P. Garrison |Commissioners
     B.F. Bean     |

              STATE OF ALABAMA, Morgan County
I, George P. Charlton, Judge of the Probate Court of Morgan County, certify that the foregoing is correctly copied from the records of the Commissioner's Court of said county, in the matter of the action of said court in regard to the destitute of said county.
Given under my hand and the seal of said court, at office in Somerville, on the 6th day of June, 1866.   
GEO. P. Charlton, Judge of Probate

I beg leave to join in the solicitations of the Commissioner's court of Morgan county in behalf of the suffering and destitute, and to appeal to the generous and charitable everywhere for aid. The wheat crop in that county is almost an entire failure, as I am informed, and unless relief is extended by those who have the ability, the suffering of the people will be very great indeed.
Rev. Mr. Morrow, who goes on this mission of mercy and love, is entitled to the confidence and respect of all, and his statements may be fully relied on. Respectfully,
W.M. B. Wood, Judge 4th Judicial Circuit of Alabama

Huntsville, Ala., June 8th, 1866
Rev. Mr. Morrow was for years a member of North Alabama Presbytery-is now of Tuscumbia Presbytery-and is entitled to the respect and esteem of all upon whom he may call in his mission of Christian charity.
Fred A. Ross
Pastor Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, Ala.

Huntsville, Ala., June 8th, 1866
From personal observation, in part, and reliable information, I can say that the statement of the Judge and Commissioners concerning the destitution of the people of Morgan county Alabama, is strictly true and calls for the charity of all humane people. My long acquaintance with the Rev. Thomas Morrow fully warrants me in recommending him as a gentleman who will faithfully appropriate such contributions as he may receive. 
R. Chapman

Florence, Ala., July 6th, 1866
This is to certify that from reliable information, there is a very large amount of destitution and real suffering for food, in the Mountain Districts of the State of Alabama and that the provisions furnished by the General Government, and from charitable sources, as well as by the State, are still inadequate to necessities of the poor, all of which has been caused by the late unnatural and disastrous cruel war.
The Rev. Thomas Morrow a worthy, reliable, Christian Gentleman, and Presbyterian Minister of the Gospel, is an accredited agent of the Commissioner's Court of Morgan county to obtain contributions and supplies for the widows, orphans and others destitute, in the county of Morgan, any aid afforded him in the praiseworthy enterprise of feeding the hungry, will be duly valued by 
R.M. Patton, Gov. of Alabama.

Correct and official from manuscript-EDITOR NORTH ALABAMIAN.