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Greenville Alabama
November 10th 1866

Lieut J F Conyngham
A.A.A. Genl. Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor to acknowledge your communications of the 9th inst received, and contents noted, I would respectfully ask transportation from Greenville to Garland for the following named Freedmen,

Nelson Porter, a Freedman who is crazy, sick, and crippled. 
Jane Thomas, a Freedwoman she is an idiot, friendless and very destitute. 
Harriet Jones, a Freedwoman 95 years of age entirely friendless.
I also forward a Requisition for clothing, that is very much needed in this District, which I respectfully ask if it meet your approval, that you order the A.A.Q.M. to issue the same at once,
The Blanks required at this Office, are the "Monthly