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Tuskegee Ala 11th June 1866


Mr. True, the teacher of the colored school, left the place yesterday. He did not give any one satisfactory reason for going away. He left the school in charge of a youth named Kyle, saying he would return on month hence. True did not speak to me about leaving. In case another appointment is to be made, by the Bureau, in his stead, I would like to submit to you a statement of facts, corroborated by boding individuals among both the white & colored populations. 

I am much pleased to be able to state to you that opposition in this community to the education of the freedmen, is among the things that were. Few, perhaps, are willing to aid in it by personal exertion, but all, almost without exception, say the work ought to be done. 

Our Sabbath school continues to grow in numbers and interest.

I write weekly one column on the general subject of our future. This week I will make application to the Editor for an allowance of two columns weekly instead of one.

I would like very much to visit Washington, leaving 20th ish & to be gone a fortnight. I wish to get materials & to see what might give additional force to what I write. I am poor, & if as a messen-