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Decatur, Ala. July 16, 1866 Gen Wager Swayne Comdg. Dist. of. Ala. Asst Com'r Bureau of Freedmen Sir, Inquiries are frequently being made of me relative to the recent Act of Congress extending the privileges of the Homestead Land to Freedmen and loyal citizens. It being still known among the freedmen; large numbers of whom are discharged soldiers - that I commanded a colored reg't. - the 42d mustered out at Huntsville in January last, - they come to me very frequently for information & advice. I have taken a good deal of interest in this matter, & have endeavored to furnish such information as would enable freedmen to act intelligently. But unless special means are made I am confident they will be practically unable to avail themselves of the benefits of this Act. If they understand the law they cannot find the vacant lands or take measures to procure them when found.
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