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The same night another meeting of Blacks for religious worship - was broken up - in the centre of town it is supposed the same party did it as it was done directly after the first mentioned.

A miserable vocal plea is put in against the noise and late hours the Black people worship, as defend- by those who secretly chuckle over this affair.

I will say for the Blacks of this community they are a remarkably quiet, peaceable class of people, and would have done anything reasonable to satisfy the very recent complaint against their noise at religious worship.

On the same night the above matters occurred the effigy of some "Yankee" was hung up at different places about town.  The Rebels "hang together" so note it is impossible to find out what name was on it.  However it is certain to have been one of the these following - Henry McGown- Loyal.  Chas, C. Arms - Yeacher of Col'd school, or the Asst. Supt R.F. and A.L.   Without any reference to myself individually, I am bound to say that notwithstanding the uncivilized demonstrations named, the presence of an U.S. Army Officer has proved a strong check (until recently) upon the class who participate in the abuse