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Montgomery Hill landing on the left banks of the [[strikethrough]] Tombigbee [[/strikethrough]] Alabama River, and with the aid of a pilot taken aboard at Montgomery Hill landing they proceeded up this little stream about 2 miles and order the boat tied up. They then commenced to unload the Cotton. This was about 9 AM. of the 9th inst. The next day (10th) about the same time the boat was recaptured. The party escaped. Captain Palmer commanding the camp & Provost Marshal being sent for ordered the Cotton loaded on the Boat again which was done & we then came down to this city.

W. B. Gilkeson
Serg Co. P. 47 Reg Ill Vo 

Sworn to & subscribed before me this
10th day of Jan. 1866 at Mobile Ala
Geo D Robinson
Col. & Supt F.B.