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and a resident of the City. In some cases the bondsman requires that he shall have an interest in the carriage or dray thus reducing the profits of the real owner.
I cannot determine whether I have a right to interfere in this matter or not. But it seems to me that in accordance with the provisions of Gen Orders No 3 Dated War Dept. Adjt Genls' Office Washington Jany 12th 1866, the General might do so or give me orders to that Effect. This ordinance is equally oppressive to discharged officers of our army some of whom wish to run Hacks but cannot get resident property owners to become their Sureties. Please send me instructions in regard to this. I have exhausted every argument to have this law repealed out without success.
I have the honor to be Colonel
Your Obd't Servant
Geo D Robinson
Co. and Supt. 
Dist. of Mobile