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Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage
Military Division of the Gulf
New Orleans, La. March 8th, 1866

Major Gen W. Swayne,
Asst. Comm'r.
Montgomery, Ala.

I have the honor to inform you that I have been instructed by the Chf gun master Comdg
Depot of New Orleans to superintend the forwarding to you of a lot of Brogans (6000 prs) which have been sent to this City from New York to be forwarded to you by Order of the gun master General.
In compliance with my instructions I have notified Bvt. Lieut. Col. E.S. Allen A G M & Master of Transportation in this city, as to the shipment of this Property, and it will be forwarded to you as early as possible.
I also transmit herewith a copy of letter of advise from Capt. R. M. Potter M.S.K in 
relation to the same.
You will perceive from his letter that he issues the Property to you directly, and Invoices accordingly.
The Invoices will probably be forwarded to this city, and on receipt of them at this office they will be forwarded to you without delay.

I am, General,
Very Respfy Your Obt Servt
John F. Rodger

Transcription Notes:
[[stamp]]: The National Archives of the United States