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Depot of Army Cloth & Eq
New York  Jan 17th 1866

I have the honor to enclose to you herewith a consolidated invoice of four lots of brogans issued by me to officers at four different Posts in the South. I shipped by Genl Van Vier to you to forward to the general destinations
It was intended to ship the whole by the Schoner E. Harwood; but most of this property being crowded out the shipment was diided & the largest portion sent on the Brig Jessie Reynas. The regular invoices, one to each officer, will be sent to you by mail, but, as the two shipments may be considered as one consignment to you. Share thought it advisable to send you by the last named vessel an invoice of the whole showing the separate issues & shipments.
The portion shipped on the Jessie Reynas goes in charge of a conductor Mr John T. Grares who will hand you this, and who has an invoice of that shipment corresponding to one section of the invoice inclosed.
Will you do me the favor to give the conductor