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Office Superintendent Bureau 
Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands, 
Mobile, Ala., February 24th 1888.

Judge of Probate
.......... County

Dr Sir
I herewith enclose you a form of a ration return, and a form for a Tabular statement of the destitutes in your county, which must in all cases accompany the ration return, and be certified to as correct by you or your agent

In estimating the number of adults, all over 14 Yrs are to be considered as such. Children under 14 Yrs are entitled to half rations only
 The Tabular Statement must show in separate Columns the no of Whites & the no of blacks respectively, who are destitute 
In no case will rations be issued to any person who is able to work as for instance, a healthy woman may have more children than she can support by her own labor in such cases rations will be issued to the children only
In all cases, the number thus reported must agree with the no drawn for on the ration return
Transportation for rations must be furnished by the counties drawing the same
In making out the ration return, the blank should be filled so far only as the no of persons and the no of days. the balance will be filled out in this office, where all returns will be approved by the Sup't

Transcription Notes:
Symbol after the "n" to denote the word "number" has not been included. REVIEWER DID NOT KNOW INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT INDENTING. HAD TO FIX EVERY INDENTED PARAGRAPH, ETC...