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R.E.B. P897

Office B.R.F. and AL.
Dist North Ala
Huntsville Ala Aug 9, 1866

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Gen Swayne with the information that so far as regards the redress of grievances, complained of within I am utterly powerless. If I am expected to guard the interests of the negro, secure him in the exercise of his rights and privileges, restore property stolen or appropriated, mete out justice to thieves, robbers and murderers, and nameless other things, I must have, and demand the military power to do it. As I am now situated, I have not a single bayonet with which to enforce any measures I may think it necessary and expedient to adolet, and as military jurisdiction is ignored- even though I had -; and the civil authorities. so far as the negro is concerned, being a