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I have now under treatment in the "Pest House Buildings" sixteen (16) white paupers. They are there as a "dernier resort."
I would furthermore state that my duties as city physician here had me to always care for, to the extent of my abilities, all sick  white paupers that have come to my knowledge within the city limits.
In connection with the Pest House, I desire to say, that there are no accommodations there for the sick; there being no hospital furniture of use or value. The building moreover is unsuited, both on account of insalubrious location, and awkward construction. 
Referring the subject back to you, Lieut. 
I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully,
Your obt. Servt.
Benj. H. Riggs, 
City Physician,
A true copy,
Attest: Sam S. Gardner