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people. And if it possible there is no help to be given there, that there is no "balm in Gilead", I can't believe it. I have lived at Lafayette in this County for the last thirty years mostly engaged in the practice of the Law, but for several years have retired from the profession and have engaged in planting. And for the last three weeks have resided at my house in this place. And I but tell you the trouble when I say that more sickness disease suffering destitution and actual starvation have come within my knowledge and observation. Within these three weeks [[strikethrough]] three weeks [[/strikethrough]] among these poor creatures than I have seen or known for the last thirty years. You ask me why it is that so many have congregated in this place and how it is that there is so much destitution suffering sickness and death among these. It must suffice to state the facts without attempting to give the reasons. Which I could do and which I may give you at some future time. I therefore ask you to send

Transcription Notes:
Reopened & edited: added in strikethrough words