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Mount Hebron Ala April 10th 1866
General Swane
Dear Sir,

The underSigned respectfully petition to be appointed an agent for the freedman Bureau in West Green including the Clinton & Mt. Hebron pricints in Said County

He has been recently elected a Justice of the Peace in & for Said County and has duly qualified as Such 
There is no military organization in the County and no agent of the freedman in this part of the county and one is greatly needed there
Respectfully Submitted
April 10th 1866
Wm. E. Morgan
The undersigned Respectfully recommends Wm E Morgan Esqr as a Suitable person to be appointed as an agent for the Freedmen Bureau in Green County Ala
April 10th 1866 Frank. P Sniderson

Transcription Notes:
Needs stamp transcribed Do not include Archives stamp. Not part of original document.