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make of Mary. I advised her to see you, and have Mary bound to her. The sister of Fanny came to see me soon after she left Montgomery, and from her statements I am satisfied she cannot provide for Mary. She will be well raised by Mrs. Norvell, who is a most excellent Lady and House Keeper; and I am convinced that Fanny if alive, would prefer Mary being with Mrs. Norvell than with any one in the County. If Mary stays with her step father, or goes to Montgomery, she will very soon be beyond the reach of reformation I have no interest nor employment in this matter beyond what humanity and a desire to promote the elevation of this class of persons prompt: and I have moved in the affair, out of respect to Fanny's memory, and to carry out what I know to be her wishes.

I am very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
Benj. F. Porter,
Intendant of the Town of Greenville.

P.S. I beg to add, that the binding took place under the state laws, which provide amply for Mary's protection.