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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Eastern District of North Carolina,
Newbern, N. C., April 26th, 1866.

I would respectfully request that Isaac N. Beuners of Greensboro Ala. may be called to account for a fraud perpetrated against Pomona Brice a colored woman formerly of this city, now a resident of Brooklyn N.Y.

Pomona was manumitted by her mistress Mrs Braine in 1845. Subsequently on the death of Mrs Braine, she left by will a legacy to Pomona of fifty ($50) dollars. The money was received by Mrs Frances Beuners sister to Mrs Braine who at Pomona's request purchased a lot of land with it taking however the deed in her own name - This was without the knowledge or consent of Pomona the actual owner who supposed she had a clean title to the property, which was generally known to be hers,