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will not come to heel as long as they can avoid it. Their object is to hold it in any way they can, so as to force us to give them half or a large share to secure its release. Applications of this character have been often made. They know it is impossible to recover the cotton when the case is tried. The evidence on file at Washington will establish this to your entire satisfaction. My attorney in Mobile advises me there is no prospect of a trial of this cause until December next. We are not permitted to bond the cotton. Who can tell where the cotton will be next fall? This constantly subjected to loss by fire, and the expenses are eating it up. Is there any relief for us? The cotton agencies were discontinued because they had been converted into instruments to plunder the people and the government. Drivers from these agencies, these plunderers have resorted to the U. States District courts, and are now attempting to use this system of oppression and plunder. I do not ask you General, to take my statements as well. I am a stranger to you. I refer you to the testimony in the case on file in Washington. I ask also to refer to Gov. Patton, Judge Chilton and Judge Walker of this place. If upon reflection you

Transcription Notes:
I had trouble deciphering this. Double check everything. edited