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Head Quarters Post of Selma.
Selma. Ala. August 20 1866.

Post Orders}
No. 9}

In accordance with orders from Maj. Genl Swayne Commissioner B.R.F. & A.L. for the State of Alabama.

Sergeant Haycock of Co.E. 3d Batt. 15th U.S. Infantry, with three (3) men, will proceed to the "Pool Plantation" - near Taylor's Station on the Demopolis and Mississippi Rail Road, for the purpose of staying an execution, issued again that Estate, until such time as the growing crops shall have been gathered in which Freedmen are interested.

Sergeant Haycock will have a copy of this order to Mr Frank Pope Bailiff now upon the Plantation by order of Sheriff Mosely who will at once be relieved by the guard of Sergeant Haycock.

Upon the completion of this duty, Sergeant Haycock will, with the men under his command return to this Post.

The Quartermasters Dept. will furnish the necessary transportation.


Transcription Notes:
2-22-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review