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Office Superintendent Dist. of Selma
Bureau R. F and A.L.
Selma, August 23d 1866.

Col. C. Cadle Jr.
Chief of Staff & A.A.G.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of the 20th inst. also a communication of same date.

Immediately on receipt of your telegram I sent a "Guard" to the "Pool Estate" in Perry County - a copy of the instructions to said guard is annexed.-

I had, before sending the guard, seen Mr. Mosely, the Sheriff of Perry County, and shown him the order, and found that he had already made the levy, and put his guard on the place.- In answer to my inquiry as to whether it would be necessary for me to put a permanent guard on the place,- he said that it would not be necessary.- that, if a guard should take possession of the place as Military Authority, "he would have done his duty in the matter, and

Transcription Notes:
2-22-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review