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Steeles Bluff: 21st Feby 1866
Brg Gen Wager Swayne
Freedman Bureau
Montgomery, Ala

Some time since I wrote you on the subject of having an Agency of your Bureau Freedmens, established at this point as yet no answer has been Recd.

This Point is about an equal distance from Gainesville 35 miles Greensborough 33 Mils Demopolis 35 Mils- Tuscaloosa 28 Mils = So you will see Freedman = as many whites live vary near a = Dark = Corners = So fare frome a Post, or Agent of Freedman that As Brg Gen. O.O Howard said the other day some relief should be given the Dark Corners  Men living in the Country knows the Freedman wants & can see many unprincipal trick in the white to save himself decieving by all chicanry & deception that man can contrive to Down = Down = the Freedmon no matter how= I again say as did I the other day= I hope your Honnor will give our application a look over = & let us know the result of your decision=

I acted as Temporary Agent of Lt Col Thomas while Com= Post and Freedman Agt at Gainesville Ala All was Right so fare as I know 
If it Should meet the approbation of your Honnor