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predecessor. I am satisfied that the building is worth 50$ pr. month in view of the prices charged for tenements of all kinds, and shall in my next Estimate ask for an increase of 20$ pr. month, but beg leave to retain the building as indispensable for the present. The only reason why the rent was not paid for the months charged was because there was no one here to sign a proper Voucher for the same — the owner residing in Marshal Co. at a considerable distance from this place with no mail communications. Vouchers have been sent to her for her signature through our Agt. for Marshal Co. which, when returned, will be forward to the Rec. & Disb. Officers of the Bureau for payment under the Estimates

Jno. B. Callis
Brvt. Col. U.S.V 
& Supt. of Dist.

R.E. 62. 63. 64

War Dept.
Bureau R F. & A.L.
Washington, Mar. 9. 1866.

Respectfully referred 
to Bt. Maj. Gen. W. 
Swayne Asst. Commr. 
Montgomery. Ala. 

By order of 
Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard
Commr. &c.
Wm Fowler
Asst. Adjt. Gen.