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and are afraid to discriminate believing that the oath taken before them, removes all future responsibility from their shoulders. I was astonished to see on the part of many the utter disregard for veracity, and truth; but there seems to be no love nor pity for the poor victims of the war; there being too many able to provide for themselves; who are eager, regardless of their suffering neighbors to cheat them out of part of the alms given by the government.
I had nearly all the Justices of the Beats in this County (Talladega) at my office; (some 3 or 4 refusing to see me) and endeavored to obtain from them a correct statement regarding every family reported by them as needy and decided as to the propriety of their drawing supplies taking the responsibility of refusing those unworthy or not entitled.

I meant to go through the same process with those in St. Clair & Calhoun counties, if I can get the justices to call at my Office. I have labored constantly to regulate the distribution of rations as the government designates; but to establish a perfect system is an utter impossibility.

Some of the leading Citizens of this Section have expressed that the manner in which I conduct this work gives satisfaction to the people; they also admitt, that laziness on the part of many is certainly no cause for aid and that the pretext of many that work can not be found, or 