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after his appointment, as I am the presiding Elder over this district, but on my arrival at Opelika, seven miles this side of Auburn, I was met by brother Alexander, and a few colored attendants, leaving Auburn, covered with blood, where he had been beat and stabbed till he was literally covered with solid gore, and he was also told by his assailants, if he was not out of that place by Saturday night, they would return and put him to death. They told him, no damned negro school should be taught there, nor should any damned negro preacher remain there. But the mere feature in the case was, that when the colored women ran screaming and crying to the Agent of the Freedmens Bureau, to come and save their preacher from death, he refused to get up, and merely replied, that he could not do anything. Besides the actual assault & intention to kill, his life has been threatened several time very recently.