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never amounted to anything, and they would never have experienced the least trouble regarding Freedmen.
As the Exibition at the closing of a school here yesterday the Teacher's wife, while singing "the conquered Flag" displayed to the assembly a confederate Flag, which was received with vociferous cheers and numerous "hip, hip, hurahs"
I presume the Teacher, a native of the New England States; but a resident of the South for some years, apprehending, that neither the products of his scholars nor the singing of the conquered Flag alone would convince the audience of his (the Teacher's) success in educational business and not knowing how to render himself thus popular and to impress upon his Patrons and the Public in general most seriously, emphatically and lasting the superiority and exillence of his school resorted to a y....drick. The more thoughtfull portion of the Community tell me, that they did not know, that a Flag was to be displayed; they even condemn the affair.
Demand for Government Supplies is increasing, and in 2 or 3 months from now the number of the Destitutes will greatly exceed the number of inhabitants; the issuing of supplies is doing some good; but it creats at the same time much mischief by encouraging idleness.
Planters complain that they can not induce women and their half grown children to work in their Corn- or Cotton-Fields.-