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War Department Bu of Ref. F. & A L
Washington D.C Oct 8th 1866

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Major General [[?]] Assistant Commissioner for State of Georgia for report

By order of Major General Howard Commissioner
A.P. Ketchum
Act Asst Adjt Genl

J. 237. OAC Vol 2 1866

Office A. Com'r Bureau R F & A L
Augusta Ga. October 11th 1866

Respectfully referred to Lt Mitchell A.S.A. Com'r &c Marietta Ga for investigation and report — These papers to be returned

By Command of Bvt Maj Genl Tillson
W-W Deane
Bvt Majr & AAG

E & M 347

(one enclosure)

(Recd O.A.C. Oct 18, 1866)

Transcription Notes:
Illegible word between General and Assistant