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A Statement of facts in Regards to Rations I Recd from Maj Theune, with the circumstances under which I received them.

"On the 16th day of April last, whilst the Commissioners Court was in Session. an old blind man, led by an Idiot boy came before the Court and Reported that the freedmen (the aged, blind, sick &c) at the Hospital were suffering for something to eat.  The Garrison having left only two days before me doubted the truth of the old mans statements, One of the County Commissioners Col. John Sawyer & myself went out to the Hospital, and found it even worse than the old man had reported.  I immediately sent out to them Meal & Bacon also sent to the Pest house provisions there being 46 in the Hospital, and 21 in the Pest house with Small Pox.  Sent to them again on the 21st Aprl, Meal & Bacon paid for these myself.  The County Treasury not not having a cent of money (the County will pay me).

About this time Maj R. Theune came to Talladega and called on me in my office where I reported to him the Condition of these person, and requested him to do something for them until the Government Rations come. (The County having no means).  I suggested to him to purchase for them, and when the Rations come to sell the same amount to Reimburse himself.  he spoke of the impropriety of doing so. but remarked that if I would take the amount in provisions that he would buy with his own means.  I told him I did not wish to buy: but in order to have those suffering people I would take them.

Maj Theune did purchase Meal, Bacon, Some flour, Molasses & coffee, for the pest house & Hospital (there being in the pest house & Hosptal there by) my wagon hauled it out to them

Transcription Notes:
Pest house is accurate for the time period.