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Office Superintendent Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Mobile, Ala., April 7th 1866.

Col C Cadle Jr
Act G
Montgomery Ala


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your favor by Maj Theune also to report that I have assumed the duties of Supt in compliance with par 2 So No 56 from your office.

I have assigned the Major to duty as Judge of the Court for the time being. I think Capt Whiting returns one more officer will be sufficient for the duties of this office A good second Lieut would answer. I believe all matters connected with the Bureau in this District are progressing favorably as much so as could be expected

Will write to you again in a few days

I am Colonel
Very Resply Your Obt Servant
G. A. Washburn
Lt Col VRC Supt'dt

Transcription Notes:
2-22-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review