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Mobile Ala May 7th 1866

Major O D Kinsman
A A General
Montgomery Ala

Complains having been made to me by parties in the country that Freedmen are breaking their contracts with impunity I respectfully request to be instructed as to what course to pursue in relation to such cases. In some instances there are no Agents of the Bureau near them to appeal to and if there were I dont see but the Agts of the Bureau are powerless unless aided by troops. I have in some instances referred them to the Civil Authorities but am in doubt as to whether this will meet with the approval of the Assistant Commissioner. I would like therefore to have some definite instructions in relation to this matter for I am satisfied that unless the evil is nipped strongly in the bud that there will be much trouble from that cause. An Agt of the Bureau is asked for by the Citizens in 

Transcription Notes:
edited: changes and corrections