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Mobile  May 21st 1866

Capt L. J. Whiting
Sir I had a conversation with Lieut Fuller of the Eighty Sixth 86, collored [[colored]] reg't he fully declared to me that his intentions were to go into the slave trade and that Lieut Col Geog E Yarrington was as deep in it as he was. But that just now in consequence of the fleet having been ordered out or gone out in search of certain parties supposed to have been in the slave trade. They would have to wait for sometime before going into operations. Again I had anothe or [[another]] manny [[many]] talks with Mr Fuller in which he declaired [[declared]] it his intention to go into the business when evry [[every]] thing was quiet. And he told me I could go with him any time.
Watkins J Cantillon

Transcription Notes:
edited: correction reopened: fixed -changed to Yarrington, not Tarrington - found Military records changed "Walkins" to "Watkins" - Censuses, Directories, etc...