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Mobile May 24th 1866,

By virtue of the authority in me vested by the Freedman Beaureau in the City of Mobile I hereby authorize and empower John C. Callahan, Martin Gregory, Henry Brown, R. M. Duncan, H. Young, Jerry Beckham, John Whitfield Daniel Kinney, John Owen, Anderson Servis, Thos Robinson, Martin Hall, Nicholas Hickson, Robert Burney & Edmund Dickson, to take the brick and lumber belonging to the U. S. Govt from fort Sidney Johnson and sell the same: and out of the proceeds to pay themselves for their labour.  The money as collected to be paid to Justice Starr to be divided by him between said parties and the remainder to be paid over to the U. S. Govt, that is to every five dollars per Thousand for the brick taken from the fort The costs of Court and lawyer fees to be paid out of the first sales made.

Signed Thos Franger
Agent for R. F. Bureau
Under Special order 14.

B. Subugern