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New York July 5 1866

To Bv't. Maj. General Wager Swayne
Ass't. Commiss'r.
Montgomery Ala.

Permit me most respectfully to address you on my personal behalf, to apply for any position in the Bureau.
I would call your kind attention to the fact, that I have been serving with my regiment, 41st Regs. N.Y. 8. Vol ("De Kalb")in the field since its organization June 6 1861.

Having risen from the ranks to the position as a 1' Lieut, and R.Q.M. of same regiment, I mustered out of service on the 9th day of December 1865.

I have preformed the duties as RQM at Folly Island S.C., Hilton Head S. C. also as Post and Depot QM. at Petersburg V and City Parish V and refer with confidence to

Transcription Notes:
ignore archive stamp