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General Swayne Commanding the District of Alabama, at Montgomery for investigation and report. 
I am gentlemen Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
Chas R. Woods Bvt Maj Genl

We beg leave with the utmost respect to say that we presume our whole communication will be laid before you, and that it is not necessary for us to recapitulate the facts therein stated. That communication will show that in the said command against Mr. Robert Horner late Capt U.S. Vols, no violation of the principles laid down by Bvt Major Genl Woods can occur. No one would undertake to contest a moment what he has said.
What Mr Drake prepares to show is that he obeyed the order of Colonel Moore. That at the time he sold liquor to the soldiers Col Moore was in command, and was himself present and ordered the sale. That no sale was ever made in his absence or without his order. That no such sale was ever made whilst Capt Horner was under his command. That no violation of the order ever occured.  That the fine was levied for a sale made by order of Colonel