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Office Supt B R F & A.L.
District of Mobile.
Mobile Ala Aug 8th 1866.

Maj O D Kinsman.
Ast. Adj't General
Montgomery Ala.

I received of Tho's Bratton this day, Two Hundred and Eighty-One ($281. 00/100) Dollars in payment for Eleven and One fourth (11 1/4) Tons of Iron at Twenty five ($25.00/100) Dollars per ton.
The iron was weighed by the Custom House weigher.
Mr. Bratton says that this is all the iron there is at Fort
Gaines, and if there is any more to be sold in the state he would like to have the refusal of it.
Shall I send the money by express!
I am Major
Very Respectfully.
Your Obedt Servant
L. J. Whiting.
Cap't. Actg Sup't B R F & A L Dist of Mobile