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July 8th 1951

[[image - H]]

Dear Doris

We are having very warm weather now 70° early this morning. Summer seems to come all of a sudden. before this we had weather come from Canada to cool us off. Our showers in the night, were a blessing to vegetation. everything is growing and it prevented fires. Mrs Barry got a lot of presents and cards on the 4th her birth day. and birth day cakes. She was well remembered and they always remember me, her friends are all nice to me and bring me presents also it seems nice

I delighted. he is that little short one and very strong. he tried to get into the army. being so short they wodent [[wouldn't]] take him. his sisters name is Patricia they call her Pattie. Did Doris the the letter and bundle for her birthday present that Mrs Barry sent her? their birthdays come near together. hope is reached her in time. its nice you can go swimming to the beach to cool you off, such humid weather, also nice to find blackberries. hope you enjoy eating them. Ma